About Us
ABOUT FRANCE has been in business since December 2005. The core activity was originally to promote a French Trade Fair network and to make Irish business people aware of many trade fairs taking place in France. Using marketing tools such as direct marketing and public relations, the results have been very successful in boosting Irish attendance over the years. Dealing with companies from different industries – from Agriculture, Food, Tourism to Fashion and others – we realised how difficult it is for any company looking at exporting or importing products or services to pitch the right target, use the most efficient marketing tool, connect with the right network or simply sort practical issues out, without the knowledge of the language and the business culture. That is why ABOUT FRANCE has been working to develop a new range of services, helping small and medium size companies to succeed in their strategy. ABOUT FRANCE is registered under No 301386 of the Registration of Business Names Act and is member of the Franco-Irish Chamber of Commerce, the Belgium Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, the Dublin Chamber of Commerce and the Dublin City Enterprise Network for Women. Your project manager : Charlotte Jehanno.
Charlotte has been living in Ireland since 1999 and knows well both the Irish and French business culture. After 20 years business experience with a proven record in the field of sales and marketing, she applies her knowledge to both Irish and French companies looking to develop their export/import market share.
Her different positions brought her to work in France, Portugal, Belgium, Tanzania & Caribbean.